Send appointments to a list of Recipients (exchange 2007) via c#

To use this code, you need to install , this will create a dll, that you need to import to the project

 // TODO: Write implementation for action

 ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
 service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssUsername, ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssPassword, ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssDomain);
 service.Url = new Uri(ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssServiceUrl);

 Appointment appointment = new Appointment(service);
 appointment.Subject = ssSubject;
 appointment.Body = ssDescription;
 appointment.Start = ssStartDate;
 appointment.End = ssEndDate;
 appointment.Location = ssLocation;

 for (int i = 0; i < ssRecipients.Length; i++)

 catch (Exception e)
 ssErrors = "The error is: " + e.ToString();

Read More... Send appointments to a list of Recipients (exchange 2007) via c#

Send email (exchange 2007) via c#

To use this code, you need to install , this will create a dll, that you need to import to the project

//connection to ExchangeServer
  ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

  service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssUsername, ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssPassword, ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssDomain);

  service.Url = new Uri(ssAuthentication.ssSTAuthentication.ssServiceUrl);

  // Create an e-mail message and identify the Exchange service.
  EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(service);

  // Add properties to the e-mail message.
  message.From = ssSender;
  message.Subject = ssEmailSubject;
  message.Body = ssEmailDescription;
  for (int i = 0; i < ssRecipient.Length; i++)

  // Send the e-mail message and save a copy.
 catch (Exception e)
 ssErrors = "The error is: " + e.ToString();

Read More... Send email (exchange 2007) via c#

Access to email exchange from c#

To use this code, you need to install , this will create a dll, that you need to import to the project

 ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

 service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, password, domain);

 service.Url = new Uri("https://domain/EWS/Exchange.asmx");

 Mailbox mb = new Mailbox(email_to_access);
 FolderId fid1 = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, mb);

 //reads the emails
 FindItemsResults <Item> findResults = service.FindItems(fid1, new ItemView(50));

 foreach (Item item in findResults.Items)
  EmailMessage m = (EmailMessage)item;
  if (!m.IsRead)
   //Set Isread.
   m.IsRead = true;

Read More... Access to email exchange from c#

Access to a appoitment from the Exchange calendar in c#

To use this code, you need to install , this will create a dll, that you need to import to the project

ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

 service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, password, domain);

 service.Url = new Uri("https:/domain/EWS/Exchange.asmx");

 Mailbox mb = new Mailbox(email_to_access);

 DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);
 DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 31);
 CalendarView calView = new CalendarView(startDate, endDate);
 calView.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, AppointmentSchema.Subject, AppointmentSchema.Start, AppointmentSchema.IsRecurring, AppointmentSchema.AppointmentType);

 FindItemsResults <Appointment> findResults = service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, calView);

 foreach (Appointment appt in findResults.Items)
  if (appt.AppointmentType == AppointmentType.Occurrence)
  // Calendar item is an occurrence in a recurring series.
  else if (appt.AppointmentType == AppointmentType.Exception)
  // Calendar item is an exception in a recurring series.
Read More... Access to a appoitment from the Exchange calendar in c#

Check if a number is odd or even in c#

Ver os números primos em c#

static void CheckOddEven(int num)
  if (num % 2 == 0)
    Console.Write("\nYour number is even.\n");
    Console.Write("\nYour number is odd.\n"); 

static void Main(string[] args)
  int num = 0;
  string answer = "Y";

  while(answer== "Y")
     Console.Write("Please enter a number and I will tell you whether it is odd or even.\n");

     //convert input to int
     num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

     //call method to check if the number is odd or even

     //ask if the user wants to continue or quit
     Console.Write("Do you wanna check another number? Y/N\n");
    answer= Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
Read More... Check if a number is odd or even in c#

Convert a phrase to binary in c#

Para converter uma frase para binario em c#

static void Main(string[] args)
            String str "The phrase to be converted!!!";



        private static String String2Binary(String str)
            String return = null;

            foreach (var letter in str)
                return +(Convert.ToString(letter,2)).PadLeft(8'0') + " ";

            return return;
Read More... Convert a phrase to binary in c#

Latex Parte III

Modifying text styles
To modifying some text, to make it italic, bold..., we need to add a tag, like in the next examples.
  • To insert bold text, use \textbf{text here}
  • To insert italic text, use \emph{text here}
  • To insert monospace text, use \texttt{text here} 
  • To use verbatim text within a sentence, use \verb|your text here|.Note: any delimiter can be used.

Figures and tables
Figures and tables are LaTeX environments, however the final position of the elements depends on the latex's style algorithm, thats why they are called float elements.
To insert a figure, use
\caption{Figure name}
In the above markup,
  • \begin{figure} tells that is a figure environment
  • [hbtp] tells how LaTeX will place the figure :
    • (here (h), bottom (b), top(t), page(p)). 
    • If the current space where the figure is called, don't have space, it will be placed in the next page, if you want to force the location, simple choose \begin{figure}[h], omitting b, p and t. The order in which h,b,t and p are specified determines where LaTeX tries to place the float first.
  • \caption{Figure name} name of the figure
  • \begin{center} tells to center the figure in the document. Note: don't forget to close the tag center.
  • \includegraphics{…} location of the file
  • \label{your-reference-key} is a label that you can use to refer to the figure in the text. For example, if you label your figure “fig1″ then you can reference it later on by typing \ref{fig1}

A floated table in LaTeX consists of two environments: table, the actual floated entity in the text, and tabular, the data contained in the table. For example, 

\hline BIT & Significado se igual a 1 \\
\hline URG & O campo Urgent Pointer È v·lido \\
\hline ACK & O campo Acknowledgement Number È v·lido \\
\hline PSH & Este segmento pede um push \\
\hline RST & Reinicia a comunicaÁ„o \\
\hline SYN & Sincroniza os n˙meros de sequÍncia \\
\hline FIN & O emissor chegou ao fim do fluxo de informaÁ„o \\

everything except the code between \begin{tabular} … \end{tabular} is the same as the figure. Here’ s how the
tabular environment works:
  • \begin{tabular}{c|cc} tells LaTeX to start a new tabular environment with two centered columns. The bar (“|”) after the first “c”, tells that have a vertical border. We can use {lcrr} to create columns: 
    • the first left aligned, the second centered, and the third and fourth right aligned
  • The table cells are separated by a “&” and the table rows are separated by a “\\”

This is not the the table example, but can be also used in the tables.
  • The \hline creates a horizontal line
  • \multicolumn{2}{c}{Example} creates a row that spans all two columns, and gonna be centered, and contains the text “Example”
  • There are more options, but this is allmost what you need to create tables.

In LateX we can import some annotations, footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies.
To insert a footnote, we just have to insert  \footnote{Footnote text here}.
Cross references
To insert a reference on a table or figure, we just have to type \ref{your-reference-key} where “your-reference-key” is the argument to the \label{your-reference-key} command.

Table of contents
To insert a table of contents, simply put \tableofcontents at the beginning of your document. (You must run LaTeX twice to get the table of contents and references to work correctly.

To create a bibliography,we just have to use the next form:
\bibitem{key1} Disarray, General. 2006. “\LaTeX{}: from beginner to \TeX pert.” \emph{General Disarray Blog}. Available online at \textt{}. ….
We have to type he bibliography entry, and to refer a item we must use \cite{key}. The {99} tells that the maximum is 99 entries in the bibliography.
To build the bibliography we can use bibTex, is more efficient to build one, so we dont have to hardcode the references.

An website that helps a lot in latex is, is in portuguese, but have a lots of exemples to improve your latex documents


Read More... Latex Parte III

Latex Part II

LaTeX commands

LaTeX commands generally begin with a backslash and take the form \command[options]{argument}. For example,
This will create a section, with the name Introduction.
If we want to insert a coment, we just need to insert a '%' character, and everything you type to the end of the line will be commented.
To insert the '%' , just insert a backslash: \%

The preamble
Everything we type before the line “\begin{document}” is part of the preamble. The typical preamble look like this:

In the example above:

  • \documentclass{article} tells LaTeX that the document is an article. Other classes include book, letter and slides
  • \usepackage{graphicx} tells LaTeX to use the graphicx package, which allow users to insert graphics in the documents
  • \title{} and \author{} define the title and author
  • \date{} tells LaTeX to write the today date. \date{June 2010} would print “June 2010? as the date.
The \documentclass{} command can contain some options, for example, \documentclass[11pt,twocolumn]{article} would organize body of the document into two columns and the options are separated by a comma. Other options include:

  • oneside or twoside – change margins for a one or two-sided document
  • landscape – change the document from landscape to portrait
  • titlepage or notitlepage – define whether there is a separate title page, or if the title, author and date info are show at the top of the article

Document structure
A document’s structure is defined using \section{} commands. LaTeX is based on well-structured documents. The structure tags are :

  • \section{Name}
  • \subsection{Name}
  • \subsubsection{Name}
  • \paragraph{Name}
If you want to insert a unnumbered section, you can use the command \section*{Name}. In the next section, the numbering will continue as normal.
The \paragraph{}is used if you want to insert a heading for a paragraph.

The next image will show the comands explained before:

Lists items

If we want to itemize(create bulleted) or enumerate(numbered lists), just do as we do in the following example:

To itemize:

\item First thing
\item Second thing
\item Third thing

To enumerate:

\item First numbered thing
\item Second numbered thing

The graphicx package
The graphicx package allows you to insert images into the document. To use it, we have to import it, to do that we just type the command \usepackage{graphicx} in your document preamble. After that, to insert a image we just need to type:

The images supports many filetypes, including PDF, PNG and JPG. The options include:

  • width=Xin
  • height=Xin
  • scale=X (where x is between 0 and 1)

The geometry package
Formating in latex can be easy, but changing the defaults formats can be a little bit difficult. The geometry package can changes somes aspects of the document, for example if we want to change the margin to 1, we just need to type the next command:


Continues in next post.

An website that helps a lot in latex is, is in portuguese, but have a lots of exemples to improve your latex documents


Read More... Latex Part II

Latex Part I

LaTeX commands

LaTeX commands generally begin with a backslash and take the form \command[options]{argument}. For example,
This will create a section, with the name Introduction.
If we want to insert a coment, we just need to insert a '%' character, and everything you type to the end of the line will be commented.
To insert the '%' , just insert a backslash: \%

The preamble
Everything we type before the line “\begin{document}” is part of the preamble. The typical preamble look like this:

In the example above:

  • \documentclass{article} tells LaTeX that the document is an article. Other classes include book, letter and slides
  • \usepackage{graphicx} tells LaTeX to use the graphicx package, which allow users to insert graphics in the documents
  • \title{} and \author{} define the title and author
  • \date{} tells LaTeX to write the today date. \date{June 2010} would print “June 2010? as the date.
The \documentclass{} command can contain some options, for example, \documentclass[11pt,twocolumn]{article} would organize body of the document into two columns and the options are separated by a comma. Other options include:

  • oneside or twoside – change margins for a one or two-sided document
  • landscape – change the document from landscape to portrait
  • titlepage or notitlepage – define whether there is a separate title page, or if the title, author and date info are show at the top of the article

Document structure
A document’s structure is defined using \section{} commands. LaTeX is based on well-structured documents. The structure tags are :

  • \section{Name}
  • \subsection{Name}
  • \subsubsection{Name}
  • \paragraph{Name}
If you want to insert a unnumbered section, you can use the command \section*{Name}. In the next section, the numbering will continue as normal.
The \paragraph{}is used if you want to insert a heading for a paragraph.

The next image will show the comands explained before:

Lists items

If we want to itemize(create bulleted) or enumerate(numbered lists), just do as we do in the following example:

To itemize:

\item First thing
\item Second thing
\item Third thing

To enumerate:

\item First numbered thing
\item Second numbered thing

The graphicx package
The graphicx package allows you to insert images into the document. To use it, we have to import it, to do that we just type the command \usepackage{graphicx} in your document preamble. After that, to insert a image we just need to type:

The images supports many filetypes, including PDF, PNG and JPG. The options include:

  • width=Xin
  • height=Xin
  • scale=X (where x is between 0 and 1)

The geometry package
Formating in latex can be easy, but changing the defaults formats can be a little bit difficult. The geometry package can changes somes aspects of the document, for example if we want to change the margin to 1, we just need to type the next command:


Continues in next post.

An website that helps a lot in latex is, is in portuguese, but have a lots of exemples to improve your latex documents


Read More... Latex Part I

Sexta feira... WTF

Um video para conseguirem :P

" Camila e mariana Davalos "
Read More... Sexta feira... WTF

CShell script - Delete accounts in linux from file

Next script delete account in linux from a file

#! /usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict;

my $i=""; 
my $FInput; 
my @arrContas=();

if(@ARGV != 1)
    print("Sintaxe: ./ \n"); exit 1;

    print("Error reading the input file\n"); exit 1;

for $i (@arrContas) 
     `userdel --remove $i`; 
     print("Account $i sucessful deleted\n");
Read More... CShell script - Delete accounts in linux from file

Script to create users in linux

This script create accounts in linux.
the password is the same as the user.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict;

my $i=””; 
my $FInput; 
my @arrContas=(); 
my $strEncPwd=""; 
my $strSalt="LX";

if(@ARGV != 1)
      print("Sintaxe: ./ \n"); exit 1;

     print("Error reading the input file\n"); exit 1;


for $i (@arrContas)
      `useradd -p '$strEncPwd' -m $i`; 
      print("Account $i sucessful created\n");
Read More... Script to create users in linux

Comandos Linux

$ ls -la `which ps`
# Mostra a listagem longa do ficheiro do comando ps.

$ id `whoami`
# Mostra a informação sobre o utilizador que efectuou o login.

$ comando1 $(comando2 [-opções])
O comando2 é executado e é o parâmetro de entrada do comando1.

$ ls -la $(which ps)
# Mostra a listagem longa do ficheiro do comando ps. $ id $(whoami)
# Mostra a informação sobre o utilizador que efectuou o login.

Comandos de manipulação de texto

$ cut ficheiro
Permite cortar partes de um ficheiro.
[-f] [-d] [-c]
especifica os campos a devolver; especifica o delimitador de campo (por omissão é o TAB); caracteres a devolver.

$ cut –f1 –d: /etc/passwd
# Mostrar todos os logins registados na máquina (campo número 1)

$ paste ficheiro1 ficheiro2 ficheiro3 ...
Junta o conteúdo de ficheiros (pega na 1-a linha de ficheiro1, na 1-a linha de ficheiro2, ..., na 1-a linha de ficheiro n e junta-as numa só, com os campos separados por TAB.

[-d]            especifica o delimitador de campo (por omissão é o TAB); [-s]            processa ficheiros de forma sequencial (e não em paralelo).

$ tr conjunto1 conjunto2
O comando tr (translate) permite a conversão de caracteres do “conjunto1” para o “conjunto2”. Dado que, por omissão, o tr manipula o stdin e o stdout, torna-se necessário recorrer a redireccionamento de entrada/saída caso se pretenda efectuar a operação em ficheiros.

[-d]            (delete) apaga caracteres em vez de proceder à substituição; [-s]            (squeeze) elimina repetições.

$ tr ‘a’ ‘A’ < input.txt > output.txt
# Converte todos os ‘a’ em “A”

 $ tr [a-z] [A-Z] < input.txt > output.txt
# Converte todos as minúsculas em maiúsculas

Comandos de extracção de texto
$ grep [opt] [] Procura expressões (palavras, etc.) num ficheiro.

[-i]            ignora maiúsculas e minúsculas; [-c]            número de linhas que verificam a condição; [-n]            devolve os números das linhas (bem como as próprias linhas) que verificam a condição; [-v]            inverte a pesquisa, exibindo apenas as linhas que não verificam a condição.

$ ps aux | grep root
# devolve as linhas de “ps” que contém a palavra “root”

$ ps aux | grep $(whoami)
# devolve as linhas de “ps” que contém o login de quem executa o comando

- Expressões regulares básicas
Em Unix (e em muitos outros ambientes), as expressões regulares (muitas vezes designadas por “regex” na literatura anglo-saxónica) são uma forma poderosa de definir padrões. Iremos de seguida abordar o mecanismo simples de “âncoras”.
Âncoras: permitem indicar que o padrão a pesquisar se encontra no início ou no fim.
O grep (e outros comandos com suporte para regex) suporta as seguintes âncoras:

[^]            início de linha; [$]            fim de linha.
$ ps aux | grep ^root
# devolve as linhas do “ps aux” que **comecem** por “root”

$ seq 100 | grep 0$
# devolve os números de 0 a 99 que **terminam** em 0

Comandos de “message digest”
A designação “message digest” (algoritmos de hash) refere-se à criação de um identificador unívoco (muitas vezes em formato hexadecimal) para a representação do conteúdo de um ficheiro. Existem vários algoritmos de hash, desde o MD5 (Message Digest) e o SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm). Para além da aplicação em criptografia, os messages digests podem ser empregues para a detecção de ficheiros idênticos. No Linux existem os seguintes utilitários para o cálculo de message digests:
md5sum •            sha1sum (e outros tais como “sha224sum”, “sha256sum”)

$ who > who.txt $ md5sum who.txt
# calcula o “md5sum” de “who.txt”~

$ md5sum $(ls)
# calcula o md5sum de todos os ficheiros do directório corrente

$ ps aux | sha1sum
# calcula o sha1sum da saída produzida pelo comando “ps aux”

Extracção de conteúdos em páginas “html”
Muitas vezes torna-se necessário a extracção de conteúdos em páginas online que se encontram em formato HTML. A extracção da informação pretendida faz-se muitas vezes com recurso a heurísticas.

- Utilitáriowget
$ wget [opt] url
# descarrega (download) conteúdos online via http, ftp ou https O utilitário wget permite o acesso a conteúdos online (através de http, https e ftp).

[-c]            continua operação de descarregamento (anteriormente interrompida); [-O ] grava conteúdo para “ficheiro”.

# Obtém e grava o conteúdo da página inicial de

$ wget –O osstats.html
# Obtém e grava para “osstats.html” o conteúdo do URL
Read More... Comandos Linux

Several Linq Examples

Next is a website that will help you daily, when you use linq in your applications
Read More... Several Linq Examples

CSS stylesheet

Read More... CSS stylesheet

Linq - Return a list with a specific size

public static List ReadUsersNotVisitorByPaging(int currentPage, int pagesize, out int totalPages, out int totalItems) {
List fullList = (from usr in ReadUsers().ToList()
                                                        where usr.Removed == false
                                                        orderby usr.Name
                                                        select usr).ToList();

            totalItems = fullList.Count;
            if (totalItems < pagesize)
                totalPages = 1;

                if ((fullList.Count % pagesize) == 0)
                    totalPages = fullList.Count / pagesize;
                    totalPages = (fullList.Count / pagesize) + 1;

            //calcular o numero de items para fazer skip
            int nextpage = 0;
            if ((currentPage - 1) != 0)
                nextpage = pagesize * (currentPage - 1);

            List filterList = (from p in fullList.Skip(nextpage).Take(pagesize) select p).ToList();

Return filterList;

This return a list filter by size, is usefull for paging.

Read More... Linq - Return a list with a specific size

Random sort list with LINQ

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a one of very useful feature of .net 3.5 framework. This allows you to query objects and perform complex operations simply and efficiently. There are lots of trick which can be used with the help of LINQ. In this article I am explaining how can we random sort a List using LINQ

Random Sort

Consider the below Employee class:
public class Employee
    public int Id
    public string Name
This is how you can randomly sort the List object:
List list = new List();

list.Add(new Employee { Id = 1, Name = "Luis" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 2, Name = "Vieira" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 3, Name = "Joana" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 4, Name = "Laura" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 5, Name = "Antonio" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 6, Name = "Toino" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 7, Name = "Lara" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 8, Name = "Filipe" });
list.Add(new Employee { Id = 9, Name = "Miguel" });

list = list.OrderBy(emp => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();

Read More... Random sort list with LINQ